Gazprom to be overloaded with claims. European partners churn out production of suits against Russian monopolist

It feels that it is becoming more and more popular and profitable in Europe to beat up Gazprom for its long-term contracts, price formula and other terms of its gas supply. The Italians joined the process before the fanfare stopped to blare because of loss of a case in the arbitration court with German company RWE. And the queue of “offended purchasers” is likely to grow, - Nezavisimaya gazeta writes.

The Italian company Edison – the subsidiary of French Electricite de France SA – filed a suit against Gazprom to review terms of the long-term contract, the agency Bloomberg reported recently, referred to the company. According to it, Edison wants to bring contract prices in balance with gas prices in the market. In turn, Gazprom confirmed the presence of the suit and noted that the Italian company wanted to review gas prices from the end of 2012. “We are confident that we will be able to find a mutually beneficial decision out of negotiations,” – Gazprom export stated to the agency. But the trial may take several months or years.

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