19% of Alrosa’s shares may be put up for sale

In 2016, the Ministry of Finance plans to earn 1 trillion rubles from privatization. On Monday, the sale of state assets was discussed at the meeting with Vladimir Putin. The RBC estimates what and at what price the state can offer to investors.

What they sell
In December 2015, against the background of the deteriorating economic situation and falling oil prices the Finance Ministry proposed to increase the budget revenues through privatization of state-owned packages in major Russian companies. At the big press conference in December President Vladimir Putin confirmed that the state could agree for the privatization of state-owned companies "not to burn the reserves". The Finance Minister Anton Siluanov evaluated the possible revenue from the privatization in 2016 at 1 trillion rubles. The amount was calculated based on the forecast of the average annual oil price at $40 per barrel and the budget deficit at 3% of GDP. In 2015, the budget revenues from the privatization amounted to only 5 billion rubles.

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