KazTranzOil plans to increase transportation of crude oil in all export directions

Production results

In 2013, KazTransOil transported 53 924 thousand tons of oil via its system of main oil pipelines that is by 2 049 thousand tons or by 4% more as compared with the planned targets and by 465 tons or by 1% more than in 2012. Last year, oil transportation through the KazTransOil’s system of main oil pipelines to Kazakh oil refineries grew by 136 thousand tons or by 1% as compared to the previous year to 14 116 thousand tons. In particular, last year 4 333 thousand tons were delivered to the Atyrau refinery (the same level, as in 2012), 4 711 thousand tons to the Shymkent refinery (by 151 thousand tons more than in 2012), 5 047 thousand tons to the Pavlodar petrochemical plant (by 55 thousand tons less than in 2012) and 25 thousand tons to bitumen plant (there weren’t supplies in 2012).

Also, in 2013, the volume of oil transshipment to the Atasu – Alashankou oil pipeline made up 11 828 thousand tons that is by 1 427 thousand tons or by 14 % more than in the same period in 2012. The amount of transportation via the site Atyrau-Samara of the Uzen -Atyrau-Samara main oil pipeline didn’t change - last year, 15 376 thousand tons of oil were pumped through it. In 2013, the volume of oil transshipment to the main oil pipeline CPC-K was 3 625 thousand tons that is by 343 thousand tons or by 9% less than in 2012. By results of 2013, the transit of Russian oil via the section of the TON-2 pipeline, located in Kazakhstan, made up 6 533 thousand tons that is by 1 012 thousand tons or by 18 % more than in 2012 - when it was 5 520 thousand tons. In the previous year, the loading of oil tankers in the Caspian port of Aktau with KazTransOil’s capacities amounted to 5 995 thousand tons and decreased by 530 thousand tons or by 8% as compared with 2012.

Last year, the freight turnover via the company’s main pipelines was 36 994 million tons/km and grew by 3 % or 1 089 million tons/km as compared with the planned rate, and by 7% or 2 464 million tons/km as compared with 2012.

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