The government discusses two variants of the tax changes for the oil industry.

The government is discussing two options of changes in the tax legislation for the oil industry, Arkadiy Dvorkovich, the Deputy Prime Minister, announced.

"We have not come to a final conclusion yet. We discuss two options: one does not imply any manoeuvres, but implies a change in the schedule of increasing and decreasing the duties on oil and oil products. That is not a one-time increase of duties on oil to 100% but increase stretched on schedule. Another option is the MET maneuver" - Arkadiy Dvorkovich stated.

However, according to Dvorkovich, the tax burden on the oil industry is optimal. "I think that in general the tax burden on the oil industry should stay the way it is now, - he stated. - But the structure can be modified to create certain incentives for increasing the depth of processing, and not to suffer too large losses within the Eurasian Union".

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