Over 1 billion tons of conventional oil and up to 7 billion tons of superviscous oil to be still in subsoil of Tatarstan

Festive events, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Tatarstan’s oil and the 60th anniversary of Almetievsk have taken part in the city.The President of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, the Chairman of the Tatarstan’s State Council Farid Mukhametshin, Heads of Ministries and Departments and Heads of municipal districts of the oil region came to Almetievsk to take part in them.

Circuses, where subdivisions of the Tatneft Group were presented, were put on the territory next to the city’s market. Rustam Minnikhanov visited some of them and acquainted himself with achievements of the oil company on different areas of its activity.

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