Roxi Petroleum is behind schedule of deep well drilling again

The oil company RoxiPetroleum has presented report about its operating activities at the fields of BNG and Galaz.

According to the report, the company reached a depth of 3892 (of the planned 4750) meters at deep well A5 at the BNG field. During the drilling, it stumbled upon a salt layer at the depth of 3800 meters, which extends for about 250 meters. The leadership of RoxiPetroleum plans to drill through the bottom of the salt layer in the next two weeks and to reach the target depth by the end of April.

According to the company, the production is 450 barrels of oil per day (292 barrels of oil per day is Roxi’s share) at in shallow wells (805, 807 and 54) on the BNG field. Drilling of the well 806 was completed and now long-term tests will be carried out at the well on three separate sites within the next few days. The testing of the well 143 has already begun, and if it is successful, the well life can be significantly extended.

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