The Arbitration Courts of the Chelyabinsk and the Leningrad regions have charged 275 million rubles from Mechel

The Arbitration Courts of the Chelyabinsk and the Leningrad regions have satisfied three claims about charging of 274.6 million rubles from Mechel-Energo Ltd, RAPSI reports referring to their court decisions.

On September 26th, the Arbitration Court of the Chelyabinsk region charged from Mechel-Energo in favor of MRSK-Ural JSC 78.1 million rubles, and the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region charged from the company 120.1 million rubles in favour of Lenergo JSC on September 30. On October 2, the Chelyabinsk Court charged 76.4 million rubles in favor of Novatek- Chelyabinsk.

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