JV Varieganneft has started industrial experimental works on extraction of highly viscous oil

​JV Varieganneft in the framework of realization of the target innovation project of Rosneft on the extraction of highly viscous oil in the West Siberia has started industrial experimental works on the extraction of scavenger oil at the Van-Yegansky deposit. 4 wells have been drilled at the multi-well pad, 3 of which have been put into operation with the average output of 10 tons of oil a day per well.

The main reserves of highly viscous oil are focused in the layers of the Pokurskoe suite. Its recoverable reserves make up 49 mln tons of oil.

Until recently the layer of the upper part of the Pokurskoe suite at the Van-Yegansky deposit was developed by single wells due to a number of complicating geological factors and absence of necessary technologies. The realization of the current pilot project, that presupposes the application of modern methods of extraction, will allow in the near future to start a full-scale development of the unique layer of highly viscous oil.

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