Gazprom may receive share in OMV Norge

The Kommersant has got to know details of the transaction on exchange of assets between Gazprom and Austrian OMV. The Russian monopoly may get a stake in OMV Norge, operating on the Norwegian shelf. Formally, the transaction doesn’t look very favorable to Gazprom, but it is important for the company to strengthen its positions in production assets in the North Sea, as well as interaction with a key ally in Central Europe and a partner in Nord Stream 2.

In return for its participation in the development of the Achimov deposits in the Urengoy field OMV has offered Gazprom a share in OMV Norge AS, sources, familiar with the situation, told the Kommersant. The company operates production projects on the Norwegian shelf in the North, Norwegian and Barents Seas. The exact share, which will be received by the Russian monopoly, will be determined by the results of the evaluation.

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