Evraz not to sell its Ukrainian assets

​Evraz (the largest shareholders are the Russian businessmen R. Abramovich -31.03%, A. Abramov – 21.61% and A. Frollov-10.79%) doesn’t plan to sell its mining and metallurgical assets in the Ukraine.

Due to its location, presence of raw materials, accumulated industrial expertise – this is one of the optimal countries to run metallurgical business. That’s why the Ukrinian enterprises are united into a separate division “Ukraine” and are strategic assets for us, there are no plans on their sale,  Vice-President of Evraz, head of the “Ukraine” division, D. Novozhenov, said.

The interest in working in the Ukraine is based on the strategic goal in which Evraz is a global metallurgical company. So the company, creating the additional value for its clients, focuses on the infrastructure projects all around the world.

The top-management says that it has always been important to stay a low cost producer for Evraz.

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