Price and buyers for Alrosa found

As the Kommersant has got to know, the preliminary price of the placement of 10.9% of Alrosa’s privatized shares could reach 57 billion rubles ($ 889 million). Anchor investors may be three funds - minority shareholder of the company: OppenheimerFunds, Lazard and Genesis; according to the Kommersant’s sources, they are ready to spend about $450 million to buy 5.5% stake. Russian National Pension Funds are also actively involved in the SPO, including funds of the placement organizers - Sberbank and VTB. The decision on the placement must be made this week at the meeting at the First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov’s office.

Long-term investors, which fave prior consent to participate in the SPO of Alrosa on the Moscow stock exchange, can accumulate from 70% to 100% of the 10.9% stake, placed by the Federal Agency for State Property Management, two sources close to the deal reported to the Interfax on Friday. According to them, the desire to participate was confirmed by funds - portfolio investors of Alrosa, including OppenheimerFunds and Lazard. Active participation of the National Pension Fund is not expected, the sources of the Interfax note, adding that VTB and Sberbank, the placement organizers, "are working with their "retired people", convincing that Alrosa is a unique asset for the stock market".

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