CNPC to increase gas import from Turkmenistan

​China increases gas import from Turkmenistan.

As of the beginning of November 2015, the volume of gas shipped from Turkmenistan reached 121 bln cubic m.

82 bln cubic m were shipped by Turkmengas, 39 bln cubic m – from the contract territory Bagtyyarlyk.

Gas supply from Turkmenistan to China started in 2009.

CNPC works on the contract territory Bagtyyarlyk the production capacity of which is 13 bln cubic m of gas a year.

CNPC holds the 2nd stage of development at the Galkynysh deposit which is the raw materials source for supplies with the production capacity of 30 bln cubic m of gas a year.

Today the production of saleable gas at the raw materials base has reached 42 mln cubic m a day.

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