Lukoil, Rosneft and Zarubezhneft study opportunities of working in Anaran, Iran

​Lukoil, Rosneft and Zarubezhneft consider the opportunities of working at the Anaran deposit in Iran, the Minister of Oil of Iran, B. Zangene, said.

Lukoil, Rosneft and Zarubezhneft are engaged in the project, Mr. Zangene said answering the question what companies would developed Anaran.

On November 5th it was reported that 3 Russian and 1 company from Croatia announced of their readiness to develop one of the structures of the Anaran deposit- Shangule. Rosneft and Zarubezhneft applied for participation in the project, and they are being considered now, the manager for development of the deposit, A. A. Larki, said.

On November 6th Lukoil confirmed the interest in returning to the Anaran deposit at which it had been working since 2003 but left it in 2011 after the introduction of sanctions on Iran.

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