TGK-2 considers unreasonable claims of Gazprom mezhregiongas for 5 bln roubles

​TGK-2 considers unreasonable the claims of Gazprom mezhregiongas on the deliberate accumulation of debts for gas, TGK reports.

Another 3 criminal cases were initiated in respect of TGK-2, the CEO of which, A. Korolev, is on the wanted list suspected in fraud. The regional companies of Gazprom mezhregiongas in Yaroslavl, Novgorod, Ukhta accused TGK-2 in non-payment of gas debts for the total amount of 5 bln roubles. The gas structures think that the funds made from the energy sale to the population were directed by TGK not for the  payment of debts for fuel but for its own needs.

 The criminal case connected with the debts for gas shipped by the affiliate of Gazprom mezhregiongas in Yaroslavl was initiated in 2013 and no elements of crime have been found since that time.

TGK-2 finds the accusations to be unreasonable explaining the current debt or gas by the general situation in the sector. The debts of consumers of TGK-2 significantly exceed the debts of the company for the shipped gas, TGK said.

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