Metalloinvest stays the largest steel supplier for bridge construction sector of Russia

​In Jan-September 2015 Metalloinvest increased steel rolled products shipment for bridge construction by twice.

Metalloinvest stays the largest producer and supplier of high-quality steel for the bridge construction sector of Russia. In Jan-September 2015 Metalloinvest increased steel rolled products shipment for bridge construction by twice to 146 thousand tons.

Metalloinvest strengthened its positions in the segment of bridge construction despite of the difficult situation in the economy of Russia.

Metalloinvest is proud of its participation in the realization of significant infrastructure projects. Exclusive steel marks developed at Ural Steel meet the strict requirements of bridge constructors, which is confirmed by the growing demand, the sales director in the domestic market of Metalloinvest, A. Prosyanik, said.

Among the clients ordering rolled products of Ural Steel for bridge construction are Tyumenstalmost, Voronezhstalmost, Kurganstalmost etc.

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