Gazprom Neft extracted 100 mln tons of oil at South-Priobsky deposit

​Gazprom Neft –Khantos, affiliate of Gazprom, extracted a 100-millionth ton of oil at the South –Priobsky deposit from the start of industrial operation of the asset. The current extortion level was reached due to the construction of over 100 sites, implementation of the newest extraction technologies. From the moment of putting into industrial operation, over 3,600 wells have been drilled at the deposit. The existing fund is 2,000 wells that provide the daily output of 32 thousand tons of oil.

The South-Priobsky deposit was discovered in 1982 due to the complicated geological structure it was under development since 1992, when the annual extraction made up 0.45 thousand tons of oil. Currently the South-Priobsky deposit makes the largest contribution into the total hydrocarbons extraction of Gazprom Neft-Khantos and is the largest production asset of the company. Geological reserves make up 1.6 bln tons of oil, the initial recoverable reserves of which – 451 mln tons, the main stake of the remaining reserves refers to scavenger.

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