Gazprom owes to the budget of Belarus

​Gazprom heads the list of the non-budget companies of the Minsk region that have the debt by the payments to the budget as of March 1st 2016.

Gazprom hasn’t commented upon the fact of the debt.

The operational company of Gazprom in Belarus is its affiliate – Gazprom transgas Belarus.

According to the representative of Gazprom transgas Belarus, it might be connected with the shutdown of Gazprom’s representation in Belarus and the remaining after that insignificant obligations. In January 2015 the Board of Gazprom decided to shut down the representation in Minsk. It has been working since 1998. Gazprom explained it by the absence of the necessity in this structural unit as a 100% affiliate of Gazprom is functioning in Belarus - Gazprom transgas Belarus.

Recently there was a tension between the Government of Belarus and Gazprom caused by the intention of Belarus to reduce the price of the shipped Russian gas.

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