Experts forecast repartition of Gazprom

The largest Russian companies Rosneft and Novatek want to stop the LNG export monopoly of Gazprom, experts believe.

The competitors may have more ambitious plans about division of Gazprom to transportation and extraction companies. The decision is up to Vladimir Putin who protects Gazprom and its leader Aleksey Miller.

Journalist Mikhail Leontyev criticized the Head of Gazprom and accused him of lack of professionalism and inadequacy. The same critics went on during the hot line with the President on April 25 when the following question was asked, “You said, shale revolution is a threat to Russia and Russian economy. And Aleksey Miller said, there is no shale revolution, thus no answer should be provided. At the same time, the company loses its markets and capitalization. What must be done with Miller, the shale revolution and the structural changes in the economy?”

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