The Ukrainian ports have increased oil transshipment by 44% to 9.1 million tons in 2010

The Ukrainian ports have increased oil transshipment by 44% to 9.138 million tons in 2010, the Ministry of Infrastructure reports. The state decreased transshipment of oil products by 17.4% to 5.901 million tons, coal by 0.9% to 12.396 million tons, coke by 12.4% to 0.7454 million tons, corn by 48.9% to 7.589 million tons due to introduction quotas for corn exports, ferrous metals by 8.2% to 20.136 million tons including cast iron by 14.4% to 2.916 million tons, rolled steel by 11.6% to 12.969 million tons, scrap metal by 26.6% to 267,000 tons and cars by 3.3% to 24,677 and increased transshipment of ore by 10.4% to 19.499 million tons, fertilizers by 17.3% to 5.769 million tons.

Translated by Nadezhda Poltoratskaya


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