Rosneft’s Board approved the pumping of 74 mln tons of oil by Zapolyarie-Purpe in 2017-2025

The Board of Directors of Rosneft has approved the agreement of Transneft’s providing services on the pumping of up to 73.9 mln tons of oil in total by the “Zapolyarie-Purpe” oil pipeline in 2017-2025, Rosneft reports.

The agreement presupposes the obligations of the parties to sign the basic agreements on rendering the services in future.

The assessed value of the deal is not mentioned.

The Accounts Chamber of Russia on the results of audit of Transneft said that in 2010 Gazprom, Rosneft, Lukoil, SeverEnergiya, Messoyakhaneftegas at the explanation of the construction of the Zapolyarie-Purpe route pipeline confirmed the maximum volume of oil delivery. It was planned to provide 48 mln tons of oil a year to be pumped by the oil pipeline and the total volume of 418 mln tons in 2015-2025. Transneft on the basis of these applications worked out project decisions. However, these planned volumes fell by almost twice and made up 184.5 mln tons. Transneft loses 130 bln roubles due to the delay of oil delivery to the Zapolyarie-Purpe pipeline due to the absence of warranties of supplies.

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