Head of FAS has dropped a hint to Gazprom

​FAS still stands for the separation of Gazprom’s transportation sector from the company, the head of FAS, I. Artemiev, said.

Oil companies have separated extraction from processing, from sale. And it was done within the past 5 years. Almost all large companies have become transparent, he said.

Mr. Artemiev said that FAS doesn’t oppose the fact that oil companies raise prices, but the situation is contrary with the gas holding. He said that Gazprom will do nothing until the President makes a special order.

FAS has been fighting with Gazprom for a long time. In December 2015 I. Artemiev said that he planned to report to the President upon the situation with the tender for the construction of Power of Siberia.

He said that it will be impossible to improve the current situation but it is possible to initiate the antimonopoly case. Mr. Artemiev warned that he plans to wait for a while and then he will start. Later Gazprom cancelled the tender and announced another one.

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