President of Bashkiria has refused to sell the regional package of Bashneft’s shares

​The package of shares of Bashneft which is held by Russia is being prepared for the sale. Bashkiria hopes to save its stake of shares in Bashneft to participate in its management and bring income to the budget in the form of dividends, the President of Bashkiria, R. Khamitov, said.

Now the federal part of the package is being prepared for the sale, a bit over 50%. We are to do our best so that the republic saves its package, we have just acquired it, he said.

The Government of the region is interested in the management over Bashneft.

On the other hand, the monetary flow which comes to the republic in the form of dividends now, should go on.

Our package value is very high, at least 100 bln roubles. We don’t plan to sell the package, he said.

Russia holds 50.08% of the registered capital (60.16% of voting shares) of Bashneft, Bashkiria – 25% plus 1 share (25.79% of voting shares).

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