Bashkir subsidiary of Gazprom to invest 387 million rubles into production of component for rocket fuel in Salavat

The project of the reconstruction of the plant for the production of unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine is being implemented by the Salavat chemical plant in 2014-2016. The total amount of investments is determined in the amount of 4.720 billion rubles, the company's annual report says.

The main amount of the funds - 4. 333 billion rubles - is attracted from the federal budget through participation in the company’s authorized capital. 1.3 billion rubles of them were received in December, 2013.

The remaining 387 million rubles in the the reconstruction of the unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine production plant will be invested by 100% owner of the Salavat enterprise - Gazprom Salavat neftekhim.

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