Rospan International has carried out a record geological layer hydrofracturing

Rospan International, affiliate of Rosneft, has held a record for the East-Urengoi license site operation of layer hydrofracturing by the technology of high-conductivity splits HiWay.

300 tons of proppant was loaded within 5 hours which is equivalent to 550 tons of proppant loaded by the traditional technology. At the operation of the well, its output reached over 1 mln cubic m of gas a day and over 300 tons of gas condensate a day.

The specialists of Rospan held 6 trial operations by this technology. Compared with layer hydrofracturing by the standard technology in equivalent volumes of loading, the output of wells rose by 15-20%.

In the near future Rospan International plans to increase the volumes of proppant loading at separate wells thus providing the highest economic effect from the loading of wells. Aiming for the specification of parameters of operations, the specialists hold research works of the dynamics of well efficiency where a modernized hydrofracturing technology was applied. Simultaneously the ways of overcoming the existing technical an technological restrictions for the execution of operations with the planned growth of loading volumes.

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