Sakhalin-2 to receive 3 newest ice breakers for project-512

​The Arctech shipyard (Helsinki) has started the construction of the first auxiliary ice breaker for Sovkomflot. The ice breaker of the project-512 will become the first in the series of 3 vessels that will be used at Sakhalin-2 by the contract with Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd. (SEIC).

The ice breakers of this project were designed for auxiliary operations on the navigation of LNG-tankers in complicated ice conditions, for rescue operations as well as for operations on hydrocarbons spill on the surface of the sea.

Moreover, these vessels can be used for the supply of various outsized cargo and for the lowering of underwater devices.

The dimensions of the ice breakers: length – 100 m, width – 21.7 m. The peculiarities of these ice breakers are explained by the ecological requirements set by SEIC. The team of each vessel counts 98 people.

The vessels will mainly work in the drifting broken ice and will be able to work at the air temperature to minus 35 degrees Celsius. The ice breaking capacities are high, they can break ice with the height of up to 1.7 m.

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