The Ukraine dispossesses spectre of communism

A bill "On condemnation of the communist and national socialist (nazi) totalitarian regimes in the Ukraine and banning promotion of their symbolism" has been submitted to the Verkhovna Rada. The initiators of the document plan to begin its consideration this week, and to accept before May 9. The Russian Foreign Ministry warns that the proposal to equate communism and nazism is contrary to international law. Russian Communists hope for intervention of European parliamentarians. Their counterparts in the European Parliament stated to the Kommersant that the proposals were contrary to the Parliament by the European Convention on Human Rights and the principles of the Association Agreement between the Ukraine and the European Union.

The draft law "On condemnation of the communist and national socialist regimes" is the main component of a package of initiatives on "de-communization" of the Ukraine, supported by the Government of the country. The authors of the document were 13 representatives of all factions of the parliamentary majority. Among them are head of the faction "Bloc of Poroshenko" Yuri Lutsenko and deputy from the Radical Party, son of the former Chief of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army Roman Shukhevych - Yuri Shukhevych.

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