Ametistovoye GOK mines the first ton of gold

Ametistovoye GOK (asset of the company Gold Kamchatka, part of the Renova), commissioned in September 2015, mined the first ton of gold by results of January 2016. If in the fourth quarter of 2015, GOK mined 641.4 kg of gold (on the average 214 kg per month), only in January 2016, it produced 385.1 kg of the precious metal, while the production figures continue to grow.

"The Ametistovoye GOK is the largest in Kamchatka mining enterprises. The quality of ore at the deposit is very high - the average content of gold is 10.9 g per 1 ton, for the first mined ton the secondary extraction was 94.9%, which is by 2.9% more than the designed one. The mineral resources base of the deposit is 53.3 tons of gold reserves and 181.6 tons of silver, 9.9 tons of resources (category P1) of gold, i.e. the company’s activity is designed for at least 15 years. The potential of prognostic resources (categories P2 + P3) is estimated at 50 tons. After a large-scale exploration program, we expect an increase in the reserves in the northern part of the deposit," – general director of Gold Kamchatka Viktor Radko noted.

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