ChMK has produced a millionth ton of stainless steel

​ChMK (in the structure of Mechel) has produced a millionth ton of stainless steel at the electric steel making shop #6.

ChMK is the main producer of stainless steel in Russia.

Corrosion resistance steel of ChMK is cast at the electric steel making shop #6 that was put into operation in 1992. In 2010 the reconstruction was held at the shop and a new complex on the production of high-quality and stainless steel was put into operation.

ChMK ships stainless steel to the enterprises of the most important sectors. In 2013 ChMK produced a new class of highly resistant steel for the holding Helicopters of Russia.

Modern equipment of the electric steel making shop allows to produce stainless steel of world quality level which has high corrosion resistance characteristics in the corrosive environment, strength and plasticity, the head of the electric steel making shop #6, S. Fomchenko, said. Due to these characteristics the  products out of stainless steel is actively used in car manufacturing, energy, aviation and air space, chemicals and other spheres of industry.

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