EU has worked out a plan in case of breaks in Russian gas supply

The EU Commission has worked out a plan according to which EU members will be united into groups for a joint protection from the breaks with the gas supply.

The plan presupposes 9 zones. The countries of one zone will share the responsibility for the accumulation of strategic gas reserves and development of infrastructure of gas pipelines between the countries. The EU chairmen named this plan “a plan of obligatory solidarity”.

One group will comprise Germany, Poland, Czech and Slovakia, another one – Austria, Italy, Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia, the third one – Bulgaria, Greece and Romania, the fourth one –Finland and Baltic states.

Safety of supply to the EU might be provided b individual efforts of certain countries.

This idea aims for avoiding of the situation of 2006 and 2009 when the breaks with the Russian gas supply led to the problems at a number of EU countries due to the insufficient gas reserves.

The plan is expected to be finally approved by the EU Commission on Wednesday and officially announced next week.

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