Novatek increased gas extraction by 4.7% to 16.15 bln cubic m in Q1

​Novatek increased natural gas extraction in Q1 2015 by 4.7% to 16.15 bln cubic m, the extraction of liquid hydrocarbons rose by 4.2% to 1.991 mln tons (gas condensate and oil).

The volume of deethanized gas condensate processing at the Pur condensate processing plant in Q1 2015 made up 2.5 mln tons. The processing volume rose by 79.8% against Q1 2014.

In Q1 2015, 1.7 ml tons of stable gas condensate were processed at the complex for fractioning and transshipment of stable gas condensate, by 69.1% more against Q1 2014.

According to the preliminary data, in Q1 2015, 1.853 mln tons of finished products were sold, including 1.143 mln tons of naphtha, 261 thousand tons of kerosene, 449 thousand tons of grease oil and gasoil.

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