Alrosa has launched “Zarya” of Aikhalsky GOK

​Alrosa has started the development of a new diamonds deposit “Zarya” of the Aikhalsky GOK.

The Zarya deposit is one of the largest investment projects of Alrosa. The planned volume of initial investment makes up 9.8 bln roubles. By 2021 the enterprise plans to reach the project capacity of 1 mln tons of ore a year. The period of operation of the diamond deposit will make up 13 years.

The construction of the mine at the deposit is an important investment project. The start of mining works at the Zarya will provide the replacement of the old reserves of the Komsomolsky mine, the first Vice-President – CEO of Alrosa, I. Sobolev, said.

The development of Zarya guarantees a stable level of loading of the existing capacities and will provide diamond production at the total volume of 3.6 mln karats for the entire period of the deposit’s development, the President of Alrosa, A. Zharkov, said.

The Aikhalsky GOK holds diamonds mining at the Yubileyny, Komsomolsky and Aikhal mines. The stake of the plant in the total diamond extraction of Alrosa group in 2015 made up 32%. In Q1 2016 diamonds worth 2.68 mln karats were produced at the Aikhalsky GOK.

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