Gazpromneft wants to look for hydrocarbons in Croatia

Gazpromneft is interested in the tenders for exploration on the onshore hydrocarbon areas in Croatia, Zagreb will announce during the week. It was talked about the possibility of participation in competitions at the meeting between the Gazprom’s head, Alexei Miller with the Croatian President, Ivo Josipovic and Prime Minister, Zoran Milanovic on Wednesday. The construction of a branch from South Stream was also discussed in Zagreb, the holding company reports.

The Croatian Energy Minister, Ivan Vrdoljak reported about the upcoming tender for geological exploration at production sites of hydrocarbons and interest of the Russian gas monopoly.

The Gazprom’s report notes: " special attention was paid to prospects of Gazpromneft's participation in Croatian tenders on the distribution of subsoil areas for geological exploration and further development of fields”.

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