Shell is offered a partnership under sanctions.

Novatek invited Shell into its LNG project.

Novatek considered the Anglo-Dutch Shell as a potential partner for the new projects on the Yamal gas liquefaction, Gennady Timchenko stated. Shell and Novatek do not comment upon the negotiations, but the source of "the Kommersant" doubts that Shell is ready to go into a project with Novatek currently under sanctions especially against the background of the growing uncertainty in the global market of the liquefied natural gas (LNG).

Novatek is in talks with Shell, Chinese and French companies to build a second LNG plant in Yamal, Gennady Timchenko stated. According to him these companies are interested in expanding the cooperation with Novatek on the new LNG projects, but the arrangements have not yet been reached. Now Novatek is already building the "Yamal LNG" LNG plant with the capacity of up to 16.5 million tons per year based on the South Tambeysk field, the other shareholders of the project are the French Total (20%) and the Chinese CNPC (20%), the interest of which to the potential expansion of the plant was well known. Earlier Shell was not officially mentioned as a potential participant of the project.

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