Lukoil intends to reach the payback of Western Qurna-2 in 2016

​Lukoil hopes that the Western Qurna-2 project in Iraq will pay back until the end of 2016, Vice-President of Lukoil, S. Nikiforov, said.

With the current oil prices the project’s economy has worsened and Lukoil discusses various offers with Iraq.

Iraq is trying to reduce the expenditure but Lukoil hopes to reach an amicable agreement and there won’t be oil extraction fall at the Western Qurna-2.

The payments of Iraq by the Western Qurna-2 are made with delay.

The accumulated debt before Lukoil is falling but not quickly.

Lukoil has made a number of suggestions to the Ministry of Oil of Iraq so as to restructure the debt and the cooperation went on.

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