Rosneft is ready to start its own drilling

New trend of the oil companies development could be the entry in the relevant service business, Rosneft, which already actively increases such assets, think. But other Russian oil companies, which mainly got rid of the service business in the past ten years, don’t share this opinion. They believe that against the background of the crisis such a strategy will require additional costs and can reduce the quality of the drilling.

President of Rosneft Igor Sechin has stated during IP Week that the major oil and gas companies are now interested in buying oilfield service assets. "We assume that service companies will be in the area of ​​attention of major players on the market as a result of the current crisis," - he said. According to Mr. Sechin, the service companies "started to overprice, going even to a certain collusion" and Rosneft decided to develop its own service unit.

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