Gazprom faces difficulties with the realization of investment program-2016

​Gazprom faces difficulties with the realization of the approved investment program-2016, the deputy chairman of Gazprom, V. Golubev, said.

I will not comment our investment program-2016. I assure you it faces difficulties in the current economic conditions, he said.

In fact today Gazprom sells more and  more gas making loss. Today the profitability of gas export has almost equaled to gas supply to the domestic market.

Do you know what the export profitability is? It has almost equaled to the prime cost of gas supply, for example, to the Irkutsk region, I don’t speak about Kamchatka and Sakhalin where the prime cost is higher than the profitability from gas supply to the European market, Golubev said.

The total volume of investment expenditure, according to the investment program-2016, on gas, oil, electric and heat generating assets of Gazprom will make up 1.528 trln roubles. In 2015 this rate was planned at 1.608 trln roubles. So the fall in 2016 will make up 5%.

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