Rosneft intends to significantly increase oil production in the Irkutsk region

By 2017, Rosneft plans to increase the production at the Verkhnechonsk and neighboring fields of the Irkutsk region roughly to 15 million tons per year, the Vedomosti reports, referring to its sources. The newspaper notes that as a result Verkhnechonskgaz that develops these fields may become the third large producing asset of the company.

According to the Vedomosti, the development plan of the Verkhnechonsk and neighboring fields of the Irkutsk region was presented to the meeting of investors with the Verkhnechonskgaz’s management that took place at the end of May. Today almost 100% of the company is controlled by Rosneft (the state company owned 25.94% of its shares before the purchase of BP-TNK).

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