It isn’t all plain sailing with purchase of Vietnamese refinery Zung Quat

The new form and logic of the Russian-Vietnamese relations obliges them to focus on four main directions - the oil and gas sphere, nuclear power, the military component and trade and investments. The Road map calls them azimuths. Science and technology, education and training, culture and tourism are the next important directions. These are vectors. They with azimuths coincide with the topics of the negotiations, the Nezavisimaya gazeta writes.
The oil and gas industry is the really advanced sector. Russia and Vietnam have results here, which can’t be compared any other industries. Gazprom and Zarubezhneft have expand their presence on the continental shelf in the south of Vietnam. They carry out exploration and production of new fields in the South China Sea. This spring, the company joined the development project of the gas block 42 and invites Rosneft to cooperate with it. Gazprom moves at the parallel course. It also received shares in the blocks 05-2 and 05-3, where two gas condensate fields were discovered.

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