Naftogas Ukrainy expects a renewal of reverse gas supplies from Hungary in December

Naftogas Ukrainy expects the renewal of reverse gas supplies from Hungary in December, the head of Naftogas Ukrainy, A. Kobolev said.

Hungary promises us that by December the gas supply from Hungary will be renewed, Mr. Kobolev said.

“We receive the maximum reverse from Slovakia, we receive a good volume from Poland, but zero from Hungary. The Government of Hungary has decided to terminate the gas supplies to the Ukraine stimulated by the clear mechanism. Speaking about Hungary, it has good relations with Russia, there is a loan for the construction of a nuclear power station which is financed by Gazprombank. The situation was similar with Slovakia. As a result, by pressure from the part of the European Commission and threats of the Stockholm Arbitration Court, we managed to have the supplies started. Slovakia is a very god example. We haven’t managed to have everything we planned from Slovakia. We obtained a partial permission and in theory we could import the entire gas volume from Slovakia. To do that we need Europe to implement the Third Energy Package”, A. Kobolev said.

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