In 2014-2017, oil production in Azerbaijan to make up 40.5 million tons per year

In 2014-2017, oil production in Azerbaijan will make up 40.5 million tons per year on the average and gas production – 27.4 billion cubic meters per year, the Deputy Minister of Economy and Industry, Sevinc Gasanova said at the plenary session of the country’s Parliament that discussed a draft state budget for 2014.

“Our aim in the coming years are the provision of macroeconomic stability, a competitive national economy, an increase of economic diversification, the sustainable development of the economic and social economy in 2014-2017. In this period, steady development will take place in the oil sector in contrast to the non-oil sector – oil production will be 40.5 million tons per year on the average and the gas production - 27.4 billion cubic meters,"- Gasanova said.



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