Sechin to deliver oil to China via Kazakhstan bypassing ESPO

Rosneft signed the preliminary agreement with KazMunaiGas and KazTransOil for transportation of Russian oil via Kazakhstan. Rosneft had to search for the raw materials’ transportation route to China, as in June the company signed the contract with CNPC for delivery of additional oil (365 million tons for 25 years).

Vedomosti reports, initially Rosneft planned to use swap operations: supply 7 million tons of its oil to Pavlodar oil refinery in exchange for the oil of KazMunaiGas supplied to China via Atasu-Alashankou. It was supposed that the scheme would come into force on January 1, 2014. However, Rosneft and KazMunaiGas couldn’t come to the agreement about the way to pay the export duty which could have made up 70-80 billion RUR.

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