Government denies a possible purchase of Polyus Gold by Alrosa

​Alrosa doesn’t plan to purchase the largest gold mining company in Russia - Polyus Gold, the Vice P, Y. Trutnev, said.

The head of Alrosa, A. Zharkov, said this is not true.

In October Kommersant reported of the negotiations referring to the sources in investment companies. The deal was said to be held after the shares of Polyus Gold are consolidated by S. Kerimov, whose structures hold 40.22%.

A source of Interfax in the bank circles said that the final goal of the consolidation of shares of Polyus Gold might be the sale of the company, however, they didn’t mention possible buyers.

The interlocutor of Kommersant explained that Alrosa plans to hedge financial risks in the diamond market due to the demand fall by more than 30% from the beginning of the year.

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