Gazprom to obtain the second LNG project in the Baltic Region

Gazprom can construct the second LNG plant in the Leningrad Region. However, the capacity of the enterprise won’t exceed 200 thousand tons of LNG per year which can be used to gasify settlements and bunker vessels in the Baltic Sea. Though the last direction is prospective it can hardly provide for large demand within the nearest years, analysts say.

Gazprom Gasenergoset dealing with sales of oil products at inner market and autonomous gasification considers construction of the LNG mini-plant in the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region in 2015-2016. The capacity of the plant can make up 24 tons per hour or about 200 thousand tons per year. Gazprom Gasenergoset specified, the project is at the stage of the feasibility study and the decision about construction hasn’t been made yet. It is supposed that the plant will be supplied with gas due to Gryazovets-Vyborg main gas line supplying gas to Nord Stream and initially constructed to provide for expansion of this project.

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