Rosneft to build port in Murmansk

Rosneft will become a principal investor of the development project of Murmansk transport hub. An oil company may become a controlling shareholder of the managing company Murmansk Transport hub, two sources, close to the negotiations said to Vedomosti. To date 40% in the company belong to SUEK, 25% - to RZhD, 15% - to “Rosmorport” and “Rosneft” each and 5% - to the government of the Murmansk region. One of the companions of Vedomosty says that Rosneft is about to purchases the shares of SUEK, “Rosmorport” and the administration of the region. RZhD is going to remain in the project. The final decision on the plans of the state oil company to increase its share in the capital of the Murmansk transport hub will be taken when the production volume at the Kara Sea (North-Kara block) is clear. The company is about to develop the deposits together with American ExxonMobil.

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