520 tons of diesel fuel were sold on the “Eurasia Trading System” stock exchange within a week

​On the results of the trades on the “Eurasia Trading System” stock exchange on April 6-10 2015 the volume of the signed deals significantly fell and made up 1 bln 339 mln tenge, by 0.5% less of the turnover of the previous week, is reported.

“520 tons of diesel fuel for the amount of over 48 mln tenge were sold at the trading session”, is reported.

Over 800 tons of wheat for over 32 mln tenge were sold, by 97% less than the previous week.

At the session of metals and industrial goods trading there was a 39% fall. The volume of trades made up 1 bln 152 mln tenge. In total within a week 122 deals for concrete were signed for about 99,377 tons of concrete. Special goods were sold for the amount of over 107 mln tenge.

The stock exchange “Eurasia Trading System” was founded in 2008.

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