Rumors that German Gref to work in Gazprom or in the Government prove to be premature

Issue on extension of a contract with head of Sberbank German Gref till 2019 may be included in the agenda of the annual meeting of shareholders that will be held on May 29, 2015, a government source reported to the RBC. Top-manager of Sberbank, involved in the formation of the agenda, confirmed this possibility. The duration of the Gref’s contract as head of the bank will expire in December of this year.

The press centre of Sberbank reported that the issue of election of president and chairman of the Sberbank’s Board hadn’t been included in the agenda of the annual meeting of shareholders for a while.

Rumors of resignation

During the last meeting of the shareholders in June 2014, managing partner of East Capital Aivaras Abromavicius asked about the possible resignation of Gref. In response, the head of Sberbank said that he intended to prepare a successor by the time and in the event of his departure. "My task is to prepare a choice for you. According to our corporate standards, there should be two successors for each position for each person in the bank,"- he said, added that he weren’t going "to run away "from the bank" tomorrow. “I still have a contract for at least 1.5 years, by that time I will have to prepare candidates," - said Gref.

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