Nobody to be going to produce shale gas in the Lugansk region for while

The ecological association Zeleny svit has verified information, published in mass media, about supposed intentions of the Pinchuk’s company to produce shale gas in the territory of the Lugansk region.

In particular, it called Sergei Stognym who represented the company Geo Alliance Vysochanskoye during the meeting of National Electricity Regulatory Commission on August 8, 2013 – the information was spread with reference to him.

Sergei Stogny denied that he has ever said about his company’s intentions to produce shale gas. He sidestepped the question if Geo Alliance Vysochanskoye was going to carry out formation fracturing at the well №2 that belongs to the company. According to him, the company plans to drill the well №4 and thus provide gas supply in the amount of 168 million cubic meters per year on unregulated tariff in accordance with the license date August 8, 2013.

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