Bashkortostan not going to put on sale its shareholding in Bashneft

Bashkortostan is not going to put on sales its shareholding in Bashneft, the head of the region R. Khamitov said on February 16, 2016. ‘The reasons are as follows. The shareholding is the property of the region. It was returned to the region recently, and Bashkortostan should not disappoint its citizens with the  news on the sales of any shareholding. The time for the sales is quite unappropriate. The current price for Bashneft’s stocks is rather low. The current capitalization is $4.5 billion compared to $10 billion  3 years ago. Those interested in the sales of the federal shareholding or a part in it should appeal to the Federal Government and to Rosimutschestvo’, Mr. Khamitov says.

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