TMK wins the tenders of Gazprom for the supply of pipes up to 1.5 billion roubles by the end of 2015.

Pipe Metallurgical Company (TMK), one of the world's largest producers of pipes for the oil and gas industry, has taken part in tenders for the supply of premium tubular products for Gazprom, the largest gas company in the world. Following two open requests for proposals the applications of TMK were found top in 8 of the 13 lots, according to the materials of TMK.

According to the final protocol, in Q3 and 4 of 2015, TMK will supply Gazprom over 13 thousand tons of seamless steel pipes with premium connections. Among the delivered products are: casings with diameters of 324, 245, 168 and 140 mm, tubing with diameters of 89 and 73 mm, and subs. Total price of all lots won by TMK amounted to 1.5 billion roubles.

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