President of South Korea notes potential benefits of RF gas deliveries via DPRK

President of South Korea Lee Myung-Bak emphasized the profitability of Russian gas delivery to South Korea via the territory of DPRK.

At the end of August Russian Presiden,t Dmitry Medvedev led the negotiations with the leader of Democratic People's Republic of Korea Kim Jong-il and announced that building of a gas line to provide gas export to South Korea was arranged.

“We’ve been discussing the import of Russian gas to South Korea for a definite period of time. Now we are discussing possible delivery of Russian gas at available prices to South Korea via the territory of North Korea. It is profitable for Russia, as it can sell its natural resource. It is profitable for North Korea, as it can use this natural resource and it’s profitable for Korean Republic as well”, Lee Myung-bak said at a joint press conference with US President Barack Obama in Washington.

At the same time, leader of South Korea specified, that South Korea, DPRK and Russia haven’t discussed the issue together yet and gas delivery is only an economic theme as it is connected with such spheres as energy safety and not the North Korean nuclear program.

“This problem is also connected with the issues of safety, which we’ll study thoroughly. Besides, let me remind, that the project won’t be realized in the near future”, Lee Myung-bak noted.

Translated by Alexandra Utyasheva

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